Sichuan Hualaixi trading Co., LTD

Second-Hand-Markenschuhe online. Gebrauchte High-End-Schuhe für EUR 40-45

Herkunftsort: China
Markenname: mixed load
Modellnummer: Mischspitzenmarken-Schuhe
Zahlung und Versand AGB:
Min Bestellmenge: 50 Paare
Preis: $12.4 a pair.
Zahlungsbedingungen: D/A, L/C, D/P, T/T, Western Union, MoneyGram
  • Detailinformationen
  • Produkt-Beschreibung


Marke: Spitzen Schließung: Spitze-oben, Slipper, etc.
Fersen-Art: Ebene, Einlegesohle: Leder, Gewebe, etc.
Material: Leder, Veloursleder, Masche, etc. Jahreszeit: Frühling, Sommer, Fall, Winter, etc.

Gebrauchte High-End-Schuhe EU 40-45


EU 40-45 Gebrauchtmarken Schuhe online


gebrauchtmarken Schuhe online EU 40-45


High-end Used Shoes for Men, Sizes 40-45


International used men's shoes in sizes 40-45 are available in the market. These sizes typically cater to men with larger feet. When shopping for used men's shoes in this size range, it's important to consider the following:





  1. Size availability: Check the seller's listings or product descriptions to ensure that they offer shoes in sizes 40-45. Different sellers may have varying size options, so it's essential to find one that provides the specific sizes you need.

  2. Condition assessment: Evaluate the condition of the shoes before making a purchase. Look for detailed descriptions and photos provided by the seller to determine the level of wear, any defects, or signs of damage. It's advisable to choose shoes in good condition to ensure their longevity and comfort.

  3. Brand and quality: Consider opting for reputable brands known for their quality and durability. Well-established brands often provide better craftsmanship and materials, ensuring that the used shoes maintain their performance and comfort over time.

  4. Seller reputation and authenticity: Purchase from trusted sellers with positive reviews and ratings. This helps ensure that you're buying authentic used shoes and reduces the risk of counterfeit or misrepresented products.

  5. Price comparison: Compare prices from different sellers to find the best deal. Remember to consider the condition, brand, and overall value of the shoes when assessing their cost-effectiveness. While lower prices may be attractive, it's crucial to prioritize quality and comfort as well.





  1. Second-Hand-Markenschuhe online. Gebrauchte High-End-Schuhe für EUR 40-45 0

Size Range Considerations
40-45 - Check size availability from the seller.
  - Assess the condition of the shoes (wear, defects).
  - Consider reputable brands known for quality.
  - Purchase from trusted sellers with positive reviews.
  - Compare prices to find the best deal.
  - Prioritize quality and comfort alongside price.

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